
Where to Sell Blood Plasma in Greenville Sc

With the surge in hospitalized patients battling COVID-19 symptoms in South Carolina, local health officials say they've burned through a stockpile of blood plasma, which is being used in a clinical trial to boost patients' ability to fight off the virus.

As of Wednesday, 832 coronavirus patients were hospitalized across the state, up drastically from 433 patients exactly three weeks prior.

The Blood Connection in Greenville built a stockpile of about 200 units of convalescent blood plasma over the past two months, but the rise in treatments has exhausted that stockpile, said Dr. Robert Rainer, medical director for The Blood Connection.

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"Demand has gone way up in the last week, week-and-a-half," Rainer said.

Doctors are using the blood plasma from donors who have previously tested positive for the coronavirus to inject it into the bloodstream of patients suffering from the virus in hopes that the antibodies created in the plasma of recovered donors will help in patient recoveries.

The Blood Connection on Woodruff Road in Greenville

"COVID's like a sprinter. It runs a 100-yard-dash really, really fast," Ranier said. "(Blood plasma) gives the patient a 50-yard head start. So it lets their immune system kind of catch up and get ahead of the infection."

Two coronavirus patients that Dr. Jeff Edenfield has treated with plasma recovered dramatically and quickly, he said.

Edenfield, the medical director of Prisma Health's Institute for Translational Oncology Research, said the evidence so far is anecdotal about blood plasma's efficacy to treat patients, but initial clinical studies are beginning to show a trend toward better outcomes for patients.

Prisma is participating in a nationwide study orchestrated by the Mayo Clinic using blood plasma, he said. Data is still being collected and the results haven't yet been published, but doctors are hopeful, he said.

Right now, doctors don't have a lot of tools to fight the infection and this is one they'd like to keep trying, he said.

But they're running out of the supply.

It's most effective when given early on before patients have respiratory distress or have to be put on a ventilator, but without an adequate supply, patients may have to wait for plasma, Edenfield said.

If the supply doesn't rebound, doctors are going to have to be selective in who they treat with plasma, Rainer said.

So they're hoping more donors will step up.

Anyone who has had a positive diagnostic test and has been free of symptoms for 14 days is eligible to donate. The Blood Connection is also providing antibody tests for blood donors to see if they're eligible to donate plasma.

The donation process takes 45 minutes to an hour and donors can give plasma every two weeks. One unit of plasma can provide two to four doses for patients, Rainer said.

The Blood Connection is supplying plasma to most hospital systems in North and South Carolina, with the exception of Charlotte. It's trying to keep donations in the communities where the donor is located and is seeking donors from all over the Carolinas, Rainer said.

Anyone who is interested can contact The Blood Connection through its website Appointments are required for plasma donations.

Where to Sell Blood Plasma in Greenville Sc


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