
Where Are Vorizon Towers in the Landing, Mi Area

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Best Cell Phone Plans & Coverage In Lansing

All three of the major networks are predicted to offer good coverage in Lansing and the surrounding area. Verizon is expected to have a slight edge in quality.

Lansing Coverage Scores

Lansing's Data Confidence Rating: Medium-High

Mint Mobile logo

Mint's Coverage Score For Lansing:

  • Good coverage expected in Lansing
  • Service over T-Mobile's network (coverage map)
  • Great prices on plans with 4GB-35GB data

Example plan: 4GB data with unlimited calls & texts for as low as $15 per month

Mint's Holiday Deals:

Buy a 3-month plan and get another 3 months FREE!
Or buy a qualifying device and a year of service and get a second year free

Data Confidence

The coverage information for Lansing is rated as medium-high confidence. The model's predictions are probably accurate. However, portions of Lansing may have worse coverage than the model predicts.

Best Cell Phone Services In Lansing

Both carriers listed below are predicted to be great options in Lansing. These carriers offer plans for families or individuals and have both limited-data and unlimited-data plans.

Lansing's Top-Ranked Cheap Cell Phone Carrier

US Mobile's Super LTE service runs over Verizon's network and is expected to offer great performance in Lansing. US Mobile offers a wide variety of plans. Most plans come with unlimited minutes and texts, and some plans include unlimited data.

Example Plan: Unlimited calls & texts with 12GB of data for $20 per month

Lansing's Top-Ranked Performance Carrier

Verizon is predicted to offer the best coverage in Lansing. Moderate and heavy users of data may be best off with one of Verizon's unlimited plans. If you want top-notch performance, I recommend going with one of Verizon's plans with an allotment of Premium Data. The Play More Unlimited plan is often a good option.

Example Plan: 5 lines on the Play More Unlimited plan for $40 per line each month

Network-Supplied Coverage Data

The data below is based on extrapolations from information network operators shared with the FCC about coverage in Lansing.[1] Values in the table indicate the percent of Lansing's population expected to be covered by each network (not the percent of land area covered).

Any Coverage 4G Coverage
Verizon 100% 100%
AT&T 100% 100%
T-Mobile 100% 100%

When calculating Coverage Scores for Lansing, adjustments are made for potentially misreported data. Additionally, some weight is given to coverage quality in other parts of Michigan and the wider United States. I don't make similar adjustments to the coverage data in the table above. Please be aware that network operators often report coverage inaccurately (usually overstating coverage).[2]

5G Coverage In Lansing

The FCC collects data about 5G coverage, but it's likely unreliable since networks are rapidly deploying 5G coverage. A table based on the out-of-date FCC data can be found in a footnote.[3]

Millimeter Wave 5G

Most 5G services will use the same spectrum traditionally used for 4G, but some areas will have coverage from a new technology called millimeter wave 5G. Service using millimeter wave 5G is extremely fast, but coverage is limited. Millimeter waves aren't well-suited for traveling long distances.[4]

Network Millimeter Wave
Verizon X
T-Mobile X

None of the major networks are expected to offer millimeter wave 5G in Lansing. Even in cities where millimeter wave is available, coverage tends to be sparse and is often limited to dense, outdoor locations.

Michigan Coverage Scores

AT&T is expected to have the best coverage in most of Michigan.

Network Coverage Score
Verizon 8.6
AT&T 8.7
T-Mobile 8.1

Cell Phone Coverage In Other Parts Of Michigan

National Coverage Scores

If you frequently travel outside of Lansing, especially to rural areas, you may want to give substantial weight to the National Coverage Scores.

Network Coverage Score
Verizon 8.4
AT&T 7.8
T-Mobile 5.7

Verizon takes the top spot, followed by AT&T, then T-Mobile at both the national level and in Lansing.

Cell Tower & Base Station Map (Beta)

Dots mark locations of cell towers and other base stations. Dots are colored by network.[5]

In rural areas, dots tend to indicate conventional cell towers. In cities like Lansing, most dots typically indicate other kinds of base stations (these base stations generally provide coverage for smaller areas than towers).

Niche Plan Recommendations

Carriers and cell phone plans listed below aren't recommended for everyone, but they may be great options for a subset of people in Lansing.

Best Low-Cost Unlimited Plan

Visible logo

Visible is a cell phone service owned by Verizon. It offers only one plan which includes unlimited minutes, texts, and data. The plan has a base price of $40 per month, but the rate drops to $25 with Visible's Party Pay system. Getting down to $25 per month isn't a hassle. You can join a large party that already exists here.

Best Cell Phone Plan For Light Data Use

T-Mobile logo

T-Mobile's Connect plans are incredibly well-priced and may be great options for people in Lansing who don't use a lot of data. There are two T-Mobile Connect plans. Both offer unlimited minutes and texts. A $15 per month plan comes with 2.5GB of data. A $25 per month plan comes with 5.5GB of data.

Cell Phone Service For Xfinity Internet Customers

Xfinity Mobile Logo

Xfinity Mobile runs over Verizon's network. The service is well-priced, but it's only available to Xfinity Internet customers. Xfinity Mobile's plans include unlimited minutes and texts at no charge. Subscribers only pay for data.

Xfinity Mobile has two kinds of plans: (a) unlimited data plans and (b) pay-by-the-gig plans. Prices can be amazing for pay-by-the-gig customers that don't use much data. Unlimited plans start at $45 per line each month but drop as low as $24 as more lines are added to an account. Within a family plan, Xfinity allows mixing and matching between by-the-gig and unlimited plans.

While Xfinity Mobile's prices are excellent, subscribers should be cautious about indirect costs from being locked into Xfinity-branded services. If an Xfinity Mobile subscriber ceases paying for another Xfinity service, the subscriber will be charged an extra $20 per line each month.

What's The Best Cell Phone Plan In Lansing?

The best cell phone plan for one person in Lansing won't be the best plan for everyone in Lansing. People vary in the amount of data, minutes, and texts they use each month. Further, people differ in how they want to make tradeoffs between prices, coverage quality, and other factors.

For those struggling to choose between two phone plans, I often suggest trying the cheaper option first. If you have a good initial experience with a cheap phone plan, you can stick with it and save month after month. If you have a bad experience in the first month, you can switch to another phone plan.

Switching between phone plans is getting easier. Most carriers have phased out long-term contracts. Phones also tend to have better compatibility across networks than they used to. Just beware of installment plans. Cell phone carriers often run deals that entice people to purchase expensive phones on installment plans that last two or more years.

Data Priority In Lansing

Network operators assign different levels of data priority to different users. When cell towers are not congested, priority levels are unimportant. However, during periods of congestion, subscribers with high-priority data may experience better speeds than subscribers with low-priority data. Congestion varies by location, and I don't have good data on congestion in Lansing.

Priority Among Cell Phone Carriers In Lansing

Below, I share my impressions about prioritization policies among the three major networks and other cell phone services I recommend in Lansing. Carriers often aren't transparent about prioritization policies, so some of the information is speculation based on my research.

  • Verizon: Most postpaid subscribers get some high-priority data. Start Unlimited subscribers and customers on prepaid plans get lower priority.
  • AT&T: Most postpaid and prepaid AT&T plans include some high-priority data. The Unlimited Starter plan and the Unlimited Prepaid (not Unlimited Prepaid Plus) plans do not include any high-priority data.
  • T-Mobile: Most postpaid and prepaid plans (including T-Mobile Connect plans) include high-priority data. The Essentials plan has low-priority data.
  • Mint: Subscribers have low-priority data.
  • US Mobile: Subscribers have low-priority data. High-priority data options may be coming for the Super LTE service.
  • Visible: Subscribers have low-priority data.
  • Xfinity Mobile: Subscribers on by-the-gig plans have high-priority data. Most subscribers on unlimited plans have low-priority data.

Carriers with low-priority data usually receive Coverage Scores slightly lower than the Coverage Scores received by their host networks.

About The Coverage Model

Coverage Critic's predictive model crunches tens of millions of rows of data to assess cell phone coverage quality in cities throughout the U.S.

I believe the model is better than anything else on the market, but it's far from perfect. I plan to make improvements to the model, and I expect the underlying data collected by the FCC will improve over time.

On another page, I list internet service providers in Lansing.

Interpreting Coverage Scores For Lansing

The Coverage Scores assess the quality of networks' cell phone service in Lansing. The Coverage Scores don't account for other factors like prices or customer support quality. Here's an outline of what different Coverage Scores mean:

  • 8.5+ – Nearly all subscribers using a network with a score above 8.5 in Lansing will experience a strong signal in outdoor areas by their residences. The large majority of people will experience a strong signal inside their homes. Few if any dead spots will be found when out and about in Lansing.
  • 7-8.5 – The large majority of people will experience a strong signal in front of their residences. Most people will also have a strong signal inside their homes. Dead spots may exist within the city or town, but most people won't encounter dead spots often.
  • 5-7 – Most people will experience acceptable signal strength at their homes, but a substantial portion of people won't have adequate service. In most cases, people should opt for a network with a higher Coverage Score. People who aren't adamant about having high-quality service and/or lack other options may still have a satisfactory experience with networks that score between 5 and 7. I strongly recommend looking at coverage maps and talking with neighbors before choosing a network that scores in this range.
  • 0-5 – If possible, opt for a network with a higher score. Consult carriers' coverage maps if you have no better options.

Other Ratings

The Price Ratings and Support Ratings aren't specific to Lansing. The ratings give a quick impression about factors other than coverage quality. I don't pretend there's a sophisticated or scientific process behind the ratings. These simplistic ratings ignore nuance and collapse complex realities. For example, it's tough to come up with a single price rating for a carrier that has great prices on some cell phone plans and terrible prices on other plans. The Support Ratings reflect both the helpfulness of customer support agents and the overall quality of the user experience (including the quality of carriers' websites, apps, and support documents).

Catches & Gimmicks

Cell phone carriers are notorious for putting annoying catches in price structures and service agreements. In the spirit of shedding light on what's normally hidden, here's what I view as the worst catches involved with the cell phone plans and carriers recommended in Lansing. I've roughly ordered the listings by a combination of (a) how annoying I find the catches and (b) how poorly the catches are disclosed.


  • A $35 device-activation fee is common.

US Mobile:

  • US Mobile charges a $2 per month service fee on many plans (unlimited data plans excluded).
  • Customers on "unlimited" plans can only use 75GB in a month before speeds slow to a crawl.

Mint Mobile:

  • Customers on "unlimited" plans can only use 35GB in a month before speeds slow to a crawl.

T-Mobile Connect:

  • New customers have to pay about $10 for a SIM card.
  • Most T-Mobile plans have international roaming options. Connect plans do not.

Xfinity Mobile:

  • Subscribers that don't maintain another Xfinity-branded service (e.g., Xfinity Internet) will be assessed fees.


  • Mobile hotspot use is allowed and unlimited, but Visible may cap hotspot speeds to 5Mbps and limit subscribers to connecting one device at a time.

Many carriers (particularly Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile) entice customers with deals for phones purchased on multi-year installment plans. These deals may look great on the surface, but they often make switching carriers difficult. Promotional offers are often unavailable for customers that want to purchase phones upfront.

Nearly all carriers charge taxes and some kind of "Regulatory Recovery Fee" on top of advertised prices.


Coverage Critic has financial relationships with many companies in the cell phone industry, including almost all of the biggest carriers. Rather than insist that I'm unbiased, I try to disclose my conflicts of interest and let my visitors decide for themselves whether to trust my recommendations. Here's a breakdown limited to carriers listed on this page (as of 12/9/2021):

Financial Relationship Exists:

  • Verizon
  • AT&T
  • Mint
  • US Mobile
  • Visible
  • Xfinity Mobile

No Substantive Financial Relationship:

  • T-Mobile

A more thorough list of companies I have financial relationships with, along with details about the nature of many of the relationships, can be found on my transparency page.

Feedback On Cell Phone Coverage In Lansing

If you have feedback about the coverage ratings or opinions about the best cell phone plans in Lansing, please reach out!


1. The data comes from the December 2019 release of the FCC's Form 477 data on cellular coverage. 🠕

2. The underlying data is at the census-block level. In census blocks where carriers report partial coverage, I multiply the reported coverage level by the portion of the block that is covered. My approach isn't perfect. Covered portions of census blocks may be more densely populated than uncovered portions of census blocks.🠕

3. 5G coverage estimate based on FCC data from 2019:

Network 5G Coverage In Lansing
Verizon 0.00%
AT&T 0.00%
T-Mobile 0.00%

Again, the data in the table is likely unreliable for assessing 5G coverage today.🠕

4. Network operators usually publicize when they bring millimeter wave 5G to new cities. I keep tabs on these announcements and maintain a database of cities where major networks offer millimeter wave 5G. I last updated the information in May 2021.🠕

5. Red marks Verizon, blue marks AT&T, and pink marks T-Mobile. Gray dots mark base stations from other networks.

Medium-sized dots mark 4G base stations. The largest dots mark 5G sites. The smallest dots mark older cellular technologies.

The underlying data comes from the OpenCelliD Project and is licensed under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license. My maps of base stations are in an early stage. Location data about base stations don't directly impact Coverage Scores at this time.🠕

Page last updated on December 31, 2021

Where Are Vorizon Towers in the Landing, Mi Area


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